My youngest daughter decided to have a yard sale for the specific reason to sale all of my grandson's baby clothes. She is pregnant with a little girl and will no longer need my grandson's baby things. She and her husband have decided that this baby will be the caboose. I did not think I could depart with his things so I opted out of helping with this sale. Well guess what I did? I felt sorry for her because she was pregnant having to care for a two year old while watching her money box, and helping people at the yard sale, so I not only told her I would keep the two year old but I ended up spending the night, staying up until 11:30 helping her price things and eventually going to sleep with my grandson in his full sized bed (I am used to a king size.) He is not used to sleeping with anyone so he kicked, slapped, poked, and rolled over every inch of my body. When I awoke the next morning I felt like I had been beaten or either a steam roller had rolled over my entire body in the middle of the night. My grandson looked as if he had had a rough night too. He woke complaining with a toenail hurting. I started questioning myself. Did I get aggrevated in the middle of the night because his toe was up my nose and bit the whole end of his toe or did I in an unconscious state pull his toenail part of the way off while extracting it from hip bone? I began to get very concerned when thinking back over the fact that there was not one inch of his bed I had not slept on in the course of the night. At one point, I felt myself sliding backward off the end of his bed. As I caught myself before hitting the floor, I questioned how on earth I ended up in this twisted position at the foot of his bed. But getting back to the hurt toenail, I vaguely remember a child whinning and me pulling a toe from an entangled cover. The more I thought about it I realized he had a hangnail on his toe and it had gotten caught in his cover. Mystery solved, I think (I pray I didn't do anything drastic to it.)
My daughter was up, showered, dressed and looking very perky. I and my grandson on the other hand looked as if we had been in a battle and we both lost. She needed to go and put up one more sign so she left the two of us starring at eachother across the table. To my surprise, people started coming to the yard sale 3 1/2 hours early. I had on a tee shirt, Bama pajama bottoms and no bra, my hair was tossled all over my head, and I had very little make-up on and tremendous bags under my eyes. I gathered up my grandson and we walked outside. ( I couldn't leave her garage unattended.) Every woman will understand the image of me walking out amoungst 5 people, I didn't know , doing the bent over like an old woman walk so they couldn't see what a white tee shirt would reveal without a bra. Come on now, you know that walk, bent at the waist as far over as you can possible get, pulling on the shirt so it won't stick to your chest. I think I drew more attention by doing this rather than just walking with confidence out to greet these strangers.
There was one younger pregnant woman who was looking for little boy clothes. I felt bad but I could not bring myself to help her. There neatly hung on 3 huge racks were my last grandson's clothes. I stood at the end of the rack crying (like I didn't already look a mess.) I explained to the woman that these were just clothes to her but it was the end of a chapter in my life to me. I don't think she thought I was all there mentally. I told her I remembered him wearing each and every piece of clothing hanging on the racks and it pained me deeply to part with any of it. She had three little outfits in her hands and as I walked over to help another woman she placed them back on the rack and she an her husband almost ran for the car. I felt bad but I didn't want to close that chapter in my life. I am 51 years old and have closed so many chapters but not having any more grandsons was just too painful for me to have to deal with. When my daughter returned, I let her handle the yard sale and I enjoyed the rest of the day with my grandson. As I was playing ball with him, I realized that it was not a chapter ending but a new one beginning with all of the experiences of life I will be spending with, teaching, and enjoying my two grandsons. Well, the old cliche' is true, "Do you look at a glass half empty or half full?" All along I was looking at it half empty. I sure wished I had thought about this when the pregnant woman was holding some of my grandson's clothes.
Mr. Rogers Would be Sad
5 years ago
I glad you didn't rip his leg out at the hipbone.
I remember slinging Shannon up against the wall one night when she kept leeching her leg over my hip. I would push her off and she would crook right back. After several harrowing hours of depositing her leg back on her side of the bed where it belonged the last and final time she did it "The Sleep Monster" attacked her and flung her halfway across the room. I still feel guilty about that cause she was so sound asleep and when I threw her in the air it woke her little self up and she so innocently asked me, "What happened< Momma." I told her she had a bad dream and to go back to sleep.
So did you sell all the baby clothes?
So glad I found your blog now too! Thanks for the kind comment you left on my blog. I couldn't read the purple font without my glasses. It made my eyes jump around too much. I will definitely be back to read up after work! :)
OMG - you had me laughing with the story about the war in the bed! I remember going to my grandmother's home as a young girl. My parents got a bed and so did my brother, but I was to sleep with my grandmother. I really don't remember this, but MawMaw claims that that when she tried to get into the bed that I was already sleeping in ~ that I started to fight with her! Wow... The things we do for sleep. Lol.
Then you had me wanting to cry, because it was touching what those cloths meant to you. And I know what you mean about garage sale shoppers - man, those are some EARLY birds!
The glass is half full ~ you have a granddaughter on the way and more joyful cloths to cling to. *smiles*
Hey, Happy Birthday on October 11th. Just wanted to tell you on all the different ways we communicate.
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