Alot of people are never satisfied. Give them a bicycle

and they want a Volkswagon.

Give them a Volkswagon and they want a van. Give them a van and they want an SUV.

Give them an SUV and they have to have a Mercedes.

Give them a Mercedes and they have to have a Lamburgini (mispelled).

Where does it end? The answer is, it never does. It's sad, but some people will never be happy no matter how many material things they have. So I say we take away all of their cars and make them call a taxi cab.

Now myself, give me a Vanilla Wafer cookie
and I am in heaven.

I savor every bite. I don't want them in Vanilla Pudding

or in
some fancy dessert, just give me a plain and simple Vanilla Wafer cookie. I don't want them slathered with peanut butter,

or marshmellow fluff, just the plain old cookie. Now mind you I don't want the fat-free, the low-fat version nor the ones with extra vanilla added. I like just the original Nabisco Vanilla Wafer.
When I am eating them I close my eyes and it takes me back to my childhood. We didn't have a whole lot but we were blessed with a nice house, in a nice neighborhood, with great neighbors, wonderful working parents, clothes on our backs and food on the table. . We had an old car that got us where we needed to go, most of the time.

We called her ole Betsy. (If your name is Betsy, please don't take offense. This was an endearing name for our sweet sea-foam green car with fins coming out from each side of the rear and a white stripe with chrome down the middle of it going down the length of the car on both sides.) Our car was about 10 years old and had push buttons located on the dash for DRIVE, REVERSE, NEUTRAL, AND PARK (it really did). Yes, we didn't have the finer things in life but Mom always had a box of Vanilla Wafers for my sister and I and a jar of dill pickles in the fridge for my brother. What more could you ask for? Wow, the simplicity of enjoyment back in the mid and late 60's. How divine! Huh, I may not be a Martha Stewart (see previous blog) but I can be a Candace Olsen (HGTV-DIVINE DESIGN.)
Currently listening :
Midnight Snack By The Innocents Release date: 2003-11-01
You made my mouth water for some Nilla's. Shame on you!!! LOL
You should have added that the brother's pickle jar was "GINORMOUS."
Took me way back. I wasn't happy with a bike, but with a VW I would have been in hog heaven.
It's man's curse to always be gathering and gathering. My closet speaks to me "stop gathering" and then I do a clean out for Salvation Army. LOL.
My grandma would have us a snack of peanut butter and "grandma jelly" on buiscuts when we got off the bus. When we came back from Tennesse and had not shopped yet, my grandson wanted some toast and peanut-butter and jelly. I had no jelly. So I whipped up a batch of "grandma jelly" which he loved. Now he thinks he has to have it every-time he visits. What is "grandma jelly"? White Karo surup whipped with a little soft butter with 2 or 3 drops of red food coloring....LOL.
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