Friday, September 5, 2008


My husband (Denny) and I went to WalMart tonight to buy a couple of things. We ran into some pretty strange people and some very nice people. We met the first strange person when we walked into the store. There was a (How do I put this nicely?) really peculiar guy standing just inside the door as we walked in. He greeted us with a nod and how are you doing? We nodded and spoke as we entered. Denny needed to go to the food section and I needed to go the the guy's underwear department. (There is something really strange about the departments we chose, don't you think?) O.K. just to set the record straight, "No, I'm not a cross-dresser." My youngest grandson is being potty trained and there are never enough underwear at our house. But anyway, this "peculiar" guy followed me in a very strange way. He darted around, peering out from behind shelves and racks, acting as if he did not want me to see him. He was kind of acting like Richard Carey. The first thing that came to my mind was "Does this guy think I am going to steal something?" Then I started checking to make sure my private garments weren't showing or there wasn't toilet tissue stuck to my shoe. Then it dawned on me that this guy had a screw loose and he could possibly be going to do something to me. So I started the darting thing trying to loose him. I finally got to the men's dressing room (the big walled off area) knowing I had lost him...when all of a sudden I turned the corner and there he was in my face. I let out a squeel that would have made Count Dracula cringe. The poor guy put his hands over his ears and went to the ground on his knees. I just knew I had damaged his hearing for life. The woman at the dressing room and myself helped him up. As he stood up he asked, "Is your name Angela?" I realized that all this poor guy was doing was checking to see if he knew me. I told him my name wasn't Angela and he had scared the life out of me. He said, "You? Honey you scared me so bad I nearly wet my pants." I explained everything very quickly from beginning to end and we all had a great laugh. As I was walking away, he said, "I still believe you are Angela and you just don't want to act like you know me." I don't know what problems he and Angela were having and I really don't care. I just wanted to find Denny and get out of there. I will tell you about some of the other nuts we encountered tonight in future blogs.


GingerJar said...

OMG that was halarious! I had a simular experience in a Wal-Mart in Port Arthur TX, except I was being followed by two black youths through the frozen food and other sections....I realized pretty quickly they were trying to ease up on my wallet that was in my lab coat pocket as I had just gotten off of work from the night shift and was picking up some groceries. They were actually tag was surreal. When I checked out I asked for a manager...explained the situation...and security walked me to my car. I really think they would have ambushed me in the parking lot. The sad thing...I probably had less than $10 cash after I made my purchases.

Thank you for commenting on my blog. I see you are new on blogger. I have been on here a couple of years. My favorite blogger to read (nurse stuff...) is Head Nurse...I don't know how to put a blog roll up or anything fancy. :).

Good luck with the potty training...I have two grandsons of my own!

Debbie Y. said...

Dear Angela, I can just see the poor guy falling to the floor holding his ears while you screamed. I always thought Gail was just an alias. I am still chuckling under my breath. Did you remember to get the underwear while you were there? or did he make you forget. I can see you standing there trembling in your tennis shoes. I am now anxiously awaiting your next installment about the weirdos, but what do expect in the sticks where you live. It's the same down here in Podunk, Alabama, don't you know.

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